The gallery of photos on our website will have your mouth watering!!
In the next workshop, Alfie moved us away from “meals” as such, to pates and terrines.
Admittedly, pates and terrines are not everyone’s preference and some would suggest it is a more acquired taste.

Duck liver pate with port jelly and date puree, salt cod pate served with pickled fennel, pork terrine with fig balsamic jam and Escabeche of mackerel with tomato jam were prepared, assembled, cooked and consumed with many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ as we smelt and tasted delicious and full flavours.

Another class participant, Alan, told us “Alfie was fantastic, his food sensational and the atmosphere of the class convivial.
I certainly learnt a lot from it and will be experimenting as a result. Thanks for the experience”.

As I commence planning the next schedule and hopefully, a full program for next year, I do hope I can maintain the opportunity for people who want to learn more about cooking and extend their repertoire for a shared table.
I know Alfie has some exciting opportunities coming his way in the near future, so I am not sure when we will be able to have him in the Plough Creek kitchen again. So until we do, a huge thanks to him for the information and teaching he has offered us this year.
Watch out for some of his recipes that I will share in my next recipe column.
Happy Tastings. DC xx