After spending just over 3 and a half years in Canberra, coming home to visit whenever time allowed, I have now returned to Plough Creek Homestead (PCH). Life has been busy since moving back. It has been four weeks now, and I still have not finished unpacking. Not sure what I have done with the four weeks, but I have been busy. How did I manage what I was doing between PCH and Canberra? So, while I am between professional (work) gigs, lots if ideas and encouragement to consider some changes have been forthcoming from many sources. Having a short break while I consider some options.
It is so heart-warming coming home. So much to sort, re-arrange, cull and discard, unpack and integrate back into PCH life. Have been cooking a lot. The new dream kitchen was only just completed when I moved to Canberra in December 2008. Being able to muck around in my wonderful kitchen has been such a pleasure. Tez claims I have used every pot and pan I own and he has put on weight !!
The garden is awesome. I love this time of the year, as it is the time to do my most favourite job in the garden calendar. PRUNING...... So re-shaping and active hard pruning is happening. Of course this time of the year is when the Hellebores are blooming. Yes, they are definitely my most favourite flower in the garden.
So much to consider and look forward to as all things reveal themselves. DC