Remembering that our philosophy is based on; “if you want to cook and you have a kitchen – then you can – we will show you how!” and our tag-line with our logo of Nonna is:
Una goccia di Toscana…Une touché de Provence…a taste of Gippsland
simply translated, says it all:
A dash of Tuscany, a touch of Provence and a taste of Gippsland,
November 2012 – Plum Pudding. I had a guest chef lined up and after some friendly (maybe a bit too timid?) promotion, we only had 2 participants booked in. So I bit the bullet and decided to run the class myself.
Class went well and we actually had a lot of fun and made some really good puddings! Of course, the story of Maximillian eating the puddings is now quite well known by many.
December 2012 – Jane Webster (At my French Table & French Ties). The first official guest presenter was the delightful and charming Jane Webster. The first time I met Jane in person I was a tad nervous about meeting someone who is seriously living their dream…..half the year in a chateau in France and half the year in Melbourne WOW!...So following the polite “coffee” I asked if she would like a drink…“That would be nice,” she said and so began a free flowing and fantastic conversation. There is so much that can be said – but hey, read her books – check out her website – re-visit my post on the PCH blog or check out the photos. One thing that Jane said to me was “Deb, you will commence presenting your own classes – it won’t take long!” Well Jane, it is beginning to look like they were sage words indeed.
My happy face, space, place moment with Jane – was simply how calm she is in the kitchen. AND oh so, “Oh la la” – still loving all things French.

Lloyd went back to London and commenced working at the River Café for a while. We were fortunate to have dinner there twice in
Lloyds company. What a treat to share a dining experience with him and then have dinner while he was working. Since then he has returned to Magdalen Restaurant London.
If you are ever in London you should make a reservation, ask to say hello to him and say that Deb & Tez from PCCS sent you.
We also made the front page of the local paper……

Visit Jane’s website here.

To this day, his Baba Ganush recipe is the best I have ever tasted. You can find the recipe in this post.

April 2013 – Katey Rodgers from Melbourne. Talk about a pocket rocket!! Thanks to an introduction from Lloyd, I met Katey and realised here was another dynamic chef to entice the PCCS kitchen. Katey is considered by some critics as “Melbourne’s Soufflé Queen” and she certainly treated us to delights, delights and more delights. I kept finding myself thinking as I watched her dart around the kitchen, “How can so much personality be packed into such a petite sized woman?” As with all the classes, photos of Katey are on the website gallery.

WE DINED at one of HESTON’S places!!
What can I say, except revisit the post!
Terry discovered a little place in SoHo that he was quite smitten with called POLPO – and purchased a cookbook for me while he lunched there. “A venetian cookbook (of sorts)”. It has become a bit of a favourite this year and many a recipe has been followed or adapted!
May 2013 – No official classes at PCCS, but boy there was plenty of food. One of the highlights for me in May, was to spend time with two of my favourite gal-pals (and two women I admire enormously from a professional perspective). Diana Mason and Barbara Glickstein from New York. How proud was I to be able to introduce them to some aspects of food, shopping and living in Melbourne. I live my New York fantasies vicariously through these two, via their Facebook, blogs & twitter. Just another example of some of the awesome people that I am so blessed to meet, during the various chapters of my life. We celebrated Buddha’s birthday together, at Dandelion restaurant in Elwood.
June 2013 – Alfie Spina & Kate Spina from Sydney
Thank you for another introduction Lloyd Morse. Two chefs that Lloyd had worked with and who he held in very high regard were Alfie Spina and Kate Spina (nee Connor). With their son Enzo, they visited PCCS in June and what a lot of happy tastings we shared over three days.
What a beautiful and lovely family. Another two chefs so obviously passionate about their craft and careers.
Alfie taught us so much about pasta, gnocchi and risotto. Not to be overlooked were the amazing recipes and skills we learnt about seafood.
This photo sums it up best of all. The son of two chefs eating seafood……

Kate also kicked off our first kid’s class for us. Four year olds making gnocchi, salad and cookies. Again, she just made it so easy.

Party Cupcake – Cake & Cupcake decorating.
Sophie from Party Cupcake started our series of cake decorating with “Kids cake decorating” in the mid-year school holidays. Plenty of kids were interested and we were able to run several classes to capacity. The biggest blast of all was how creative the kids were. Sophie also delivered a number of adult cake decorating classes throughout the year. So many creations and clever people!

As described previously, Eitan has a wealth of experience across many cuisines, but given that one of my favourites is Moroccan, I convinced him to do another class with different recipes. One thing that is very obvious in Moroccan food is the colours of the food….So tempting and enticing.

Brad has quite a reputation in his home city of Canberra and had also seen our article in the press. When he contacted me I was interested to hear that he had recently spent time working in the Mornington Peninsula. Like the others before him his repertoire is extensive, but I was quick to book him for Spanish and Tapas classes when he suggested he really liked cooking that particular genre.
Brad’s energetic style and fun nature, means there are lots of jibes and teasing happening when he cooks.

Brad Warton returned in August and we were very tantalised with another set of Tapas recipes. The list for Tapas seems to be never ending and the “deliciousness” factor keeps increasing!
September 2013 – Return of Alfie & Kate
Kate & Alfie agree to return and we were delighted.
This time around Kate took us through the paces of bread-making and pastry making. Not only did she make it so easy – she completely debunked all the myths. So much fun and more guys in attendance, than usual.

October 2013 – Plum Pudding class – My class!
Private function - High Tea
Prior to completion of the first 12 months, with another Plum Pudding class delivered by yours truly, we hosted a private function for High Tea. It was fantastic. The guests had heard about PCH and wanted to have a relaxed afternoon together and enjoy the garden and some yummy food. Well PCH garden was spectacular, the weather perfect and a very fine menu for high tea featuring numerous delicious savoury and sweet treats. Of course there were also scones, PCH homemade jams and cream.

And here we are back in November……what a year……so many highlights and a few challenges along the way.

However, most importantly, here is my chance to THANK the participants of our classes – if you did not attend – we would not deliver the classes!
Thank you; Pauline, Sue, Terry, Cindy, Tim, Jan, Wendy, Julie, Sophie, Linda, Linda, Terry, Bridget, Maureen, Donna, Michael, Gabrielle, Samantha, Karen, Betty, Gerry, Kirsty, Deidre, Kerrie, Ross, Jan, Julia, Liz, Helen, Paula, Jodi, Anne, Katie, Monty, Marianne, Lynne, Mark, Hilary, Kirsti, Karen, Susan, Helen, Kylie,
Maria, Christine, Sandra, Colin, Lacey, Maria, Kaylene, Robyn, Phil, Andrew, Steve, Andrew, Jasmine & Alan.
Little cooks:
Becky, Max, Hayley, Lachie, Abbie, Toby, Youki, Lilly, Sebastian, Zali, Hannah, Liesel, Tash, Kaitlyn, Grace, Hayley, Emma. Charlotte, Monique, Taylah, Sophia, Jemma, Blair, Zoe, Hayley, Emily, Madison, Ainslie, Amy, Carolyn, Rose, Cammie, Kaitlyn, Shina, Victor, & Maryanne.
My sincere apologies if I missed anyone’s name, however, I am so pleased to have met each and everyone one who has attended classes in the first 12 months. We have 12 people who have reached Frequent Cook Status by attending more than 4 classes. Thank you for coming back – again and again.
And we have had newcomers in November and December – Fabulous!

DC xx