So last Sunday was all planned – lots of ideas to write, garden, plan a couple of upcoming events and to sort out some cupboards. Wandered out to the kitchen to grab a “heart starter” (coffee) and noticed a pool of red liquid near the pantry. “Oh dear, what can the matter be?” I thought to self.
My investigations soon discovered the freezer had defrosted overnight and the pool of liquid was actually juices from packets of berries (redcurrants, blackberries, raspberries etc). All seven drawers of the freezer were defrosted and ready to be cooked!!!
So nine hours later I managed to salvage more than 80% of the produce in the freezer and had cooked up quite a few food parcels. There was no time for planning or deciding on recipes – I made it up as I went along. A friend had been telling me, a few days earlier, that she had cooked her traditional salmon pie for Easter and it inspired me.