It is not as if I have nothing to say or write about. There has been plenty. But to be honest over the last few months, I have been in a darker space the usual and most things I have written about have been dark, angry or just stressed. I need to do some edits!
I have just had the joy of a short holiday that had been planned for a long time and it has certainly afforded some much needed re-vitalisation. I am thinking that I may be back in a better space and have been re-energised. Still have a lot to say about what has been going on in the world, but maybe not quite as angry about it. And yes, the PCH kitchen is buzzing again.
After a Greek island get away laying in the sun, these minus 2 mornings back here at PCH are a definite contrast …. But that is what life is about isn’t it – the variety of the seasons.