last left off, whether it was 3 days or 3 years ago!
The truth is that life keeps moving on for all of us….YES it does! However, I did have one of those wonderful “time did not matter” occasions last night.
Those who understand “birth language” will understand when I say I met Jackie when she was “at 6cms” during her first birth experience. A few hours after we met, her beautiful son was born and a couple of years later her next beautiful son was born. I was so privileged to be present at both births. From the first moment we met, we just connected….we have been through many life experiences since, shared tears, birthdays, laughter and weddings–many life events. Those two babies were amongst the gorgeous gang of kids at my wedding in 1996.

Life has been busy, the boys have grown up – in fact, the eldest has just announced he will be a father in approximately 5 months. Jackie and I have not caught up for a while, so it was a good opportunity to have a quiet night together and fill in some gaps.
Of course there was food. One of the many loves that Jackie and I share is “wet” food. She prepared the most delicious Vietnamese chicken salad dinner and it was so very yummy wet!!
While jumping from one “have you seen …..” to “How is…. ”, to “What is going on….?” It got me to thinking about how we meet people and what influence it has on us. Does the meeting actually contribute to the strength of the foundation – or does it not matter? Is it simply human factor chemistry? I don’t know the answer, but I did keep thinking about why you can so easily and comfortably just babble on like no time has passed with some people. Jackie sent me a note this morning that said that after 5 hours of non-stop chat, there was still so much to catch up on – she was SO right.