Make up a big batch of each and have ready to go when you are cooking, BBQ’ing, baking or braising….
Hope you enjoy….
Mojo de cilantro - Coriander sauce
1 bunch coriander
1/4 tsp cumin
2-3 garlic cloves
150ml light olive oil
Salt and pepper
white vinegar
Pick coriander leaves and place in blender with cumin and garlic. Blend dry and slowly start to incorporate oil.
Season with salt and pepper and use as little or as much vinegar as you desire
Serve over BBQ steak, over the top of vegies or whatever else pleases you.

1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
1 red capsicum
5 medium tomatoes
1 head of garlic
1 Spanish onion
1 chipotle chilli
1/4 c almonds
2 slices of bread (crust off)
2 tbsp sherry vinegar
3 tsp paprika
Pre heat oven to 190 C. Lightly rub all the vegetables with oil and roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes until soft.
Fry the bread in olive oil till golden brown on both sides. Dry fry the almonds(pan without oil) constantly moving till they are a nice light brown in color. Peel the vegetables and place in a blender with the almonds, chipotle chilli, bread, vinegar, paprika and last of the oil. Blitz and season to taste.
Serve with seafood, croquettes, even a pasta or whatever else takes your fancy.

Nine ladies dancing…..
Nine wombats working.....
Happy tastings.