My image of a fairy godmother does not resemble a fairy-tale, Disney character or romanticised picture of a froth and bubble, scantly clothed little cherub...after all you have seen pictures of me and I certainly don’t look like that. However what I think a fairy godmother is, is actually about what I aspire to do for others. Especially women, that is; support, nurture and love them as they find their own way in the world.
Now I do have nieces, nieces in-law and nephews, nephews in-law and step sons and step daughter in-laws and “official” Godchildren and so many other young people I know – quite often since their birth. I publicly declare my love of them all…often. They enrich my world in more ways than I can ever describe or define.
What feels like “so suddenly”, they are growing up or grown up and now young adults, making their own way in life and careers and families and travelling and living.
Over recent months I have caught up with three of my Goddaughters, Tilley, Beks and Gabs. Each one is a unique, magnificent, wondrous young individual, who rocks my world. I sat in awe of each of them (including three different great restaurants), as I listened to their articulate conversations. They expressed their views on so many things. They each shared aspirations and world views and opinions and desires and I just thought… WOW – you chicks are so TOTALLY awesome!!
None of them need me to turn a pumpkin into a carriage for them, but I sure as hell hope they know I am here to make sure they have the best pair of shoes to dance in, on their special night!